Monday, December 15, 2008

Arielle Jones on Recording the Debut Album (2)!!

Current mood: artistic
Category: Music

Hi, everyone! It seems like we are REALLY making excellent progress in the recording studio! I have new pictures of all our hard work up here for you to see (Haha, "4U2C"/Check them out here):!

I just got home maybe a little over 30 minutes ago! Whew, today was quite a LOOOOOOOONG day at the studio, but it is ALWAYS FUN! I was there today since 11:35 this morning, and where I am now, it is 11:04 PM! (Say it with me "WHOA"! HAHAHA, but when you have a job to do, you have to do it!) The music is coming SO GREATLY with MANY DIFFERENT/WONDERFUL surprises just for you! I know you will enjoy listening to it as it makes you dance AND touches your heart! This is going to be FABULOUS! I can feel it!

Anyway, I am not going to make this long! I am so hungry now! My lunch break today was around 4:30! (That is PRETTY LONG to wait for lunch, but when you are in the studio brainstorming, you want to DEFINITELY keep that flow and perfect it.) Talk to you again soon! Dinner is calling, hahaha! Good night!

P.S. Special thanks to my mom who lets me know if I should add something like "bongos" to the mix, hahaha! I love you, mom! Thank God for you!

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