Wow! I have really discovered new meaning to the Bible saying, "To whom much is given, much is required", especially pursuing a career in the recording arts.
I am in the beginning stages, but see God's hand doing greater things. Just really excited to see where this roller coaster ride will lead.
I am excited to say that I will be releasing my debut album sometime in 2009, and since that is not too far away, I am pretty happy!
It's funny because when you are in the recording studio making music, you just pray that everything will come out the correct way. You are not sure, to be honest, how the final product will sound. When the music comes out great, however, we can all say, "Wow! How awesome is our God! He is full of surprises!"
It actually takes A LOT OF WORK to get to the point of having something worth laying down and recording. Let's see the lyrics, melodies, harmonies, instrumentals, learning new concepts, continually practicing those new concepts. I can tell you honestly, I am singing at night in my dreams and right before I eat breakfast every morning! (Hahaha!) Yes, I am devoted deeply to music. You will hear that in my new song "Expressions (That's the Way)", which I listened to today! You better believe that I was singing on a train trip (as an infant) before I even formed words with my mouth. How would I know? The mom told me about this, lol. It is deeply rooted, without a doubt. "Music makes me feel complete inside..."
I am constantly inspired by songs, musical performers, and great performances. There is this song I really love by Gospel singer Kierra "KiKi" Sheard that includes the lyrics, "...But I've got to tell you something/YOU GOT TO GO THROUGH SOMETHING/IF YOU WANT TO BE SOMETHING/Because you can't get it for nothing." I must admit, those lyrics REALLY tug at my heart and soul each time I hear that song. It is an unbeat dance song, yet it contains some of the deepest, most gripping lyrics ever (intended solely to make us realize the WORTH of an important task).
Apart from music, I enjoy great books. I LOVE poetry. There is this book I am reading now called "Don't Give Up on Your Dreams: Words to Motivate and Inspire Your Dreams". I voice blog and do online talk shows based around this book ALL THE TIME! I must have talked about it a million times, but do you know what? If you have a dream, you need something to "feed" (motivate, stimulate, and inspire) your dream, so that you will stick to it. (A.k.a. -> When times get tough, you know what you were put on this earth to do!)
Music is my "baby" FOREVER! This is my TRUE heart, my love, my joy; simply put. I want SO BADLY to tell you the name of my debut CD right now, but I have to wait until the time is right. After all, I would not even tell my mother whom I am extremely close to, love, and look to greatly for inspiration. I had a "feeling" about it, and usually when I have these "feelings" I know it is something beyond me, something greater than my own human desires. When you hear this album, though, you will say, "Wow, I did not know THAT about Arielle.. I did not realize... (you will fill in the blank)." Anyway, being real is making connection. I HIDE NOTHING EXCEPT WHEN NECESSARY. Talk again soon then? Alrighty! (Hahaha!) ;-)
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Zu meiner deutschen Freunde: (To My German Friends)
Zu meiner deutschen Freunde,
Ich möchte Sie darüber informieren, dass meine erste offizielle Fan-Site, von meinem Promoter (Phoenix Rising), ist an der Zeit. Allerdings, wenn Sie möchten, schicken Sie mir Mail (wie E-Karten, Briefe, Fotografien, Zeichen der Unterstützung, usw.), können Sie E-Mail an mich! Natürlich, Sie wollen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic, um weitere Neuigkeiten! Vielen Dank, und nicht abwarten kann, zu hören, mehr von Ihnen in Kürze!
Ich möchte Sie darüber informieren, dass meine erste offizielle Fan-Site, von meinem Promoter (Phoenix Rising), ist an der Zeit. Allerdings, wenn Sie möchten, schicken Sie mir Mail (wie E-Karten, Briefe, Fotografien, Zeichen der Unterstützung, usw.), können Sie E-Mail an mich! Natürlich, Sie wollen auf dem Laufenden zu bleiben Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic, um weitere Neuigkeiten! Vielen Dank, und nicht abwarten kann, zu hören, mehr von Ihnen in Kürze!
Aos meus amigos de língua Português (To My Portuguese-speaking friends)
Aos meus amigos de língua Português,
Gostaria de vos informar que o meu primeiro oficial fan site, pelo meu promotor (Rising Phoenix), se estabelece no momento. No entanto, se você gostaria de me enviar correio (como e-cards, cartas, fotografias, os sinais de apoio, etc), você pode e-mail me at! Claro, você definitivamente quero ficar sintonizado para Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic para mais novidades! Obrigado, e não pode esperar para ouvir mais de você em breve!
Gostaria de vos informar que o meu primeiro oficial fan site, pelo meu promotor (Rising Phoenix), se estabelece no momento. No entanto, se você gostaria de me enviar correio (como e-cards, cartas, fotografias, os sinais de apoio, etc), você pode e-mail me at! Claro, você definitivamente quero ficar sintonizado para Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic para mais novidades! Obrigado, e não pode esperar para ouvir mais de você em breve!
A mis amigos en España: (To My Friends in Spain)
A mis amigos en España,
Me gustaría informarle de que mi primer sitio de fans oficial, por mi promotor (Phoenix aumento), se establecen en este momento. Sin embargo, si desea enviar el correo (como el e-tarjetas, cartas, fotografías, señales de apoyo, etc), puede enviarme un correo electrónico a! Por supuesto, usted definitivamente quiere que permanezca atento a Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic para más noticias! Gracias, y no puede esperar para conocer más de ustedes pronto!
Me gustaría informarle de que mi primer sitio de fans oficial, por mi promotor (Phoenix aumento), se establecen en este momento. Sin embargo, si desea enviar el correo (como el e-tarjetas, cartas, fotografías, señales de apoyo, etc), puede enviarme un correo electrónico a! Por supuesto, usted definitivamente quiere que permanezca atento a Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic para más noticias! Gracias, y no puede esperar para conocer más de ustedes pronto!
Til mine venner i Norge: (To My Friends in Norway)
Til mine venner i Norge,
Jeg ønsker å informere om at mitt første offisielle fan side, etter min promoter (Phoenix Rising), er nede for øyeblikket. Men hvis du ønsker å sende meg mail (som e-kort, brev, fotografier, tegn på støtte, etc.), kan du e-post til! Selvfølgelig, du definitivt vil bli innstilt til Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic for flere nyheter oppdateringer! Takk, og ikke kan vente å høre mer fra deg snart!
Jeg ønsker å informere om at mitt første offisielle fan side, etter min promoter (Phoenix Rising), er nede for øyeblikket. Men hvis du ønsker å sende meg mail (som e-kort, brev, fotografier, tegn på støtte, etc.), kan du e-post til! Selvfølgelig, du definitivt vil bli innstilt til Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic for flere nyheter oppdateringer! Takk, og ikke kan vente å høre mer fra deg snart!
Per i miei amici in Italia: (To My Friends in Italy)
Per i miei amici in Italia,
Vorrei informarvi che il mio primo sito ufficiale della ventola, con il mio promotore (Phoenix Rising), è attivo in questo momento. Tuttavia, se si desidera inviare mail (come e-cards, lettere, fotografie, segni di sostegno, ecc), è possibile e-mail a! Naturalmente, è sicuramente desidera rimanere sintonizzati Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic per maggiori novità! Grazie, e non può più aspettare di sentire da voi presto!
Vorrei informarvi che il mio primo sito ufficiale della ventola, con il mio promotore (Phoenix Rising), è attivo in questo momento. Tuttavia, se si desidera inviare mail (come e-cards, lettere, fotografie, segni di sostegno, ecc), è possibile e-mail a! Naturalmente, è sicuramente desidera rimanere sintonizzati Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic per maggiori novità! Grazie, e non può più aspettare di sentire da voi presto!
भारत में मेरे दोस्त हैं, के लिए: (To My Friends in India)
भारत में मेरे दोस्त हैं, के लिए
मुझे लगता है कि मेरी पहली आधिकारिक प्रशंसक साइट है, मेरे प्रमोटर द्वारा (फोएनिक्स बढ़ती) आपको सूचित करने के लिए, नीचे इस वक्त है चाहेंगे. हालांकि, अगर आप मुझे (e-कार्ड, पत्र, फोटो, समर्थन के लक्षण, आदि) की तरह, तुम पर मुझे मेल कर सकते हैं मेल भेजने के लिए पसंद करेंगे! बेशक, आप निश्चित रूप से Http लिए tuned रहना चाहता हूँ: / / / ArielleJonesMusic अधिक समाचार अद्यतनों के लिए! धन्यवाद, और तुम जल्दी से और अधिक सुनने के लिए इंतजार नहीं कर सकता!
मुझे लगता है कि मेरी पहली आधिकारिक प्रशंसक साइट है, मेरे प्रमोटर द्वारा (फोएनिक्स बढ़ती) आपको सूचित करने के लिए, नीचे इस वक्त है चाहेंगे. हालांकि, अगर आप मुझे (e-कार्ड, पत्र, फोटो, समर्थन के लक्षण, आदि) की तरह, तुम पर मुझे मेल कर सकते हैं मेल भेजने के लिए पसंद करेंगे! बेशक, आप निश्चित रूप से Http लिए tuned रहना चाहता हूँ: / / / ArielleJonesMusic अधिक समाचार अद्यतनों के लिए! धन्यवाद, और तुम जल्दी से और अधिक सुनने के लिए इंतजार नहीं कर सकता!
Dla moich przyjaciół w Polsce: (To My Friends in Poland)
Dla moich przyjaciół w Polsce,
Chciałbym poinformować, że moje pierwsze oficjalne fan site, przez mojego promotora (Phoenix Rising), przegrał w tej chwili. Jednak, jeśli chcesz wysłać do mnie email (np. e-kartki, listy, fotografie, oznaki wsparcia, itp.), możesz do mnie e-mail na! Oczywiście, to na pewno chcesz stay tuned HTTP: / / / ArielleJonesMusic więcej nowości aktualizacje! Dzięki, i can't wait to hear more from you soon!
Chciałbym poinformować, że moje pierwsze oficjalne fan site, przez mojego promotora (Phoenix Rising), przegrał w tej chwili. Jednak, jeśli chcesz wysłać do mnie email (np. e-kartki, listy, fotografie, oznaki wsparcia, itp.), możesz do mnie e-mail na! Oczywiście, to na pewno chcesz stay tuned HTTP: / / / ArielleJonesMusic więcej nowości aktualizacje! Dzięki, i can't wait to hear more from you soon!
Untuk teman-teman saya di Indonesia: (To My Friends in Indonesia)
Untuk teman-teman saya di Indonesia,
Saya ingin menginformasikan bahwa penggemar situs resmi pertama, oleh promotor (Phoenix Rising), yang turun pada saat ini. Namun, jika Anda ingin saya mengirim surat (seperti e-card, surat-surat, foto, tanda-tanda dukungan, dll), anda dapat e-mail saya di! Tentu saja, Anda pasti ingin menantikan ke Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic untuk update berita! Terima kasih, dan tidak dapat menunggu untuk mendengar lebih banyak dari Anda segera!
Saya ingin menginformasikan bahwa penggemar situs resmi pertama, oleh promotor (Phoenix Rising), yang turun pada saat ini. Namun, jika Anda ingin saya mengirim surat (seperti e-card, surat-surat, foto, tanda-tanda dukungan, dll), anda dapat e-mail saya di! Tentu saja, Anda pasti ingin menantikan ke Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic untuk update berita! Terima kasih, dan tidak dapat menunggu untuk mendengar lebih banyak dari Anda segera!
한국에서 내 친구,하려면: (To My Friends in Korea)
한국에서 내 친구,하려면
나는 나의 첫 공식 팬 사이트, 내 발기인으로 (피닉스 상승)을 알리고, 다운 순간이다 싶습니다. 그러나, 만약 네가 날 (전자 - 카드, 편지, 사진, 지원의 흔적 등)처럼, 당신은 전자 메일을 보낼 수있습니다 - ArielleJonesMusic@GMail.com에 나를 메일 싶다! 물론, 당신은 확실히은 http 지켜봐 싶어 : / / / ArielleJonesMusic 업데이 트에 대한 자세한 소식! 고마워, 당신은 곧 더 듣고 기다릴 수 없어!
나는 나의 첫 공식 팬 사이트, 내 발기인으로 (피닉스 상승)을 알리고, 다운 순간이다 싶습니다. 그러나, 만약 네가 날 (전자 - 카드, 편지, 사진, 지원의 흔적 등)처럼, 당신은 전자 메일을 보낼 수있습니다 - ArielleJonesMusic@GMail.com에 나를 메일 싶다! 물론, 당신은 확실히은 http 지켜봐 싶어 : / / / ArielleJonesMusic 업데이 트에 대한 자세한 소식! 고마워, 당신은 곧 더 듣고 기다릴 수 없어!
Để bạn bè của tôi ở Việt Nam: (To My Friends in Vietnam)
Để bạn bè của tôi ở Việt Nam,
Tôi muốn thông báo với bạn rằng tôi chính thức đầu tiên của fan hâm mộ trang web của tôi Promoter (Phoenix Tăng), là xuống vào lúc này. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn muốn gửi cho tôi thư (như e-card, chữ cái, hình ảnh, dấu hiệu của sự hỗ trợ, vv), bạn có thể e-mail cho tôi tại! Tất nhiên, bạn chắc chắn muốn chơ vào Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic để biết thêm tin tức cập nhật! Cảm ơn, và không thể chờ đợi để lắng nghe nhiều hơn từ bạn sớm!
Tôi muốn thông báo với bạn rằng tôi chính thức đầu tiên của fan hâm mộ trang web của tôi Promoter (Phoenix Tăng), là xuống vào lúc này. Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn muốn gửi cho tôi thư (như e-card, chữ cái, hình ảnh, dấu hiệu của sự hỗ trợ, vv), bạn có thể e-mail cho tôi tại! Tất nhiên, bạn chắc chắn muốn chơ vào Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic để biết thêm tin tức cập nhật! Cảm ơn, và không thể chờ đợi để lắng nghe nhiều hơn từ bạn sớm!
Sa aking mga kaibigan sa Pilipinas: (To My Friends in the Philippines)
Sa aking mga kaibigan sa Pilipinas,
Gusto kong ipaalam sa inyo na ang aking unang opisyal na fan site, sa pamamagitan ng aking mga tagataguyod (Phoenix Rising), ay down sa ngayon. Subalit, kung iyong nais na padalhan ako ng mail (tulad ng e-card, titik, litrato, mga palatandaan ng suporta, at iba pa), maaari mong e-mail na ako sa! Ng paraanin, ka talagang gusto mong manatili tono na pagsasaayos sa Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic para sa karagdagang balita update! Salamat, at hindi maaaring maghintay sa mas marinig mula sa iyo sa lalong madaling panahon!
Gusto kong ipaalam sa inyo na ang aking unang opisyal na fan site, sa pamamagitan ng aking mga tagataguyod (Phoenix Rising), ay down sa ngayon. Subalit, kung iyong nais na padalhan ako ng mail (tulad ng e-card, titik, litrato, mga palatandaan ng suporta, at iba pa), maaari mong e-mail na ako sa! Ng paraanin, ka talagang gusto mong manatili tono na pagsasaayos sa Http: / / / ArielleJonesMusic para sa karagdagang balita update! Salamat, at hindi maaaring maghintay sa mas marinig mula sa iyo sa lalong madaling panahon!
我的朋友在中国: (To My Friends in China)
我谨通知你,我的第一次正式范局和信息局目前正在下降。现场的球迷对我的发言是一个创造的我的一个推动者的角色,太阳队不断上升。但是,您仍然可以保持直接接触,我通过电子邮件。如果你想向我发送电子邮件(如电子贺卡,信件,图片,支持的迹象,等等) ,您可以通过电子邮件,我 ! ,当然,你必须随时调整我的正式发布时间:音乐网页网址: Http : / / / ArielleJonesMusic ,好吗?不能等待听到更多来自您的到来!
日本での私の友人は: (To My Friends in Japan)
私は、私の最初の公式ファンボードとは、現在のメッセージボードをご案内したいと思います。私に話しているファンサイトでは、 1つ1つのフェニックスライジング私のプロモーターは、で作成されます。ただし、私と直接接触して電子メールを保つことができます。私の場合(たとえば、 eカードは、手紙、写真、サポート標識等)としてメールを送信したい場合は、電子メールArielleJonesMusic@GMail.comメインで行うことができます!そしてもちろん、あなたはいつも私の関係者はMySpaceの音楽のページへのHTTPで調整滞在ください: / / / ArielleJonesMusic 、よろしいですか?近日中に詳細を聞くのが待ちきれない!
私は、私の最初の公式ファンボードとは、現在のメッセージボードをご案内したいと思います。私に話しているファンサイトでは、 1つ1つのフェニックスライジング私のプロモーターは、で作成されます。ただし、私と直接接触して電子メールを保つことができます。私の場合(たとえば、 eカードは、手紙、写真、サポート標識等)としてメールを送信したい場合は、電子メールArielleJonesMusic@GMail.comメインで行うことができます!そしてもちろん、あなたはいつも私の関係者はMySpaceの音楽のページへのHTTPで調整滞在ください: / / / ArielleJonesMusic 、よろしいですか?近日中に詳細を聞くのが待ちきれない!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Arielle Jones on Recording the Debut Album (2)!!

Current mood: artistic
Category: Music
Hi, everyone! It seems like we are REALLY making excellent progress in the recording studio! I have new pictures of all our hard work up here for you to see (Haha, "4U2C"/Check them out here):!
I just got home maybe a little over 30 minutes ago! Whew, today was quite a LOOOOOOOONG day at the studio, but it is ALWAYS FUN! I was there today since 11:35 this morning, and where I am now, it is 11:04 PM! (Say it with me "WHOA"! HAHAHA, but when you have a job to do, you have to do it!) The music is coming SO GREATLY with MANY DIFFERENT/WONDERFUL surprises just for you! I know you will enjoy listening to it as it makes you dance AND touches your heart! This is going to be FABULOUS! I can feel it!
Anyway, I am not going to make this long! I am so hungry now! My lunch break today was around 4:30! (That is PRETTY LONG to wait for lunch, but when you are in the studio brainstorming, you want to DEFINITELY keep that flow and perfect it.) Talk to you again soon! Dinner is calling, hahaha! Good night!
P.S. Special thanks to my mom who lets me know if I should add something like "bongos" to the mix, hahaha! I love you, mom! Thank God for you!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Arielle Jones on Recording the Debut Album!!

Hi, everyone! How are you? Right now, I am in the process of recording my debut album in the studio! Yay! I am super excited, and I believe you will just LOVE what you will hear from me in the coming months! The album will be available officially sometime in 2009! (No definite month or date in 2009, but at least you know the year. Since 2009 is not too far away, REJOICE because my wonderful music is coming straight to your lovely ears soon!!!)
Yes, it has been a little while since you have heard a new sound from me, and I would like to thank you for bearing with me! Thank you to those of you who have been checking on me to see how I am AND also listening to my previously released singles! God bless you SO MUCH!!
I have to admit that I have not been feeling my very best in body lately. I have had a lot going on and it can be truly draining sometimes, but I know that working my hardest for you will only get us to the goals faster. It is true that I am not a "robot machine" and need my rest just as much as anybody else, so I am making sure that I am doing EVERYTHING to be ready to lay down pure platinum for you in the studio! (You can see I have high hopes, but God has not let me down thus far... Why should I let Him down? I refuse.)
Here is a product of all my hard work for you! You will get a chance to see more by visiting my additional materials at: I am happy to share these things with you!
The photo included in this blog is my FAVORITE studio shot of me taking a quick photo before recording! It makes me feel peaceful to see this picture and know that God's hand on my life has never left! He is only getting ready to do even GREATER things with His children (that includes ALL OF US)! Amen! Are you exicted or what? Hahaha! Take care, and talk to you again soon!
Currently watching :
The Christmas Collection
Release date: 2005-09-20
Thursday, December 11, 2008
An Anonymous but Beautiful Blog
I really feel like I have learned a lot over this past year and time. I learned that life can take all sorts of leaps and turns, over time, and the very thing to do about it is- LET IT GO.
I used to hear Rachael Lampa sing about "letting it go", all the time, in her song called "Outrageous" and thought, at first, "Hmm... sounds nice, but it would be even better if more people felt like they could 'let it all go' just as she sings about." Since I respect Rachael Lampa as one of my favorite recording artists, I wanted to 'let it go', too (of course, hahaha)! I later thought "This song has some real, definitive meaning... It has one of those messages that really 'tug at your heart' and won't let you go (even if you try to let it go), and MY GOSH, it is so doggone catchy, too!" Guess what happened... I found myself applying the "let it go" philosophy to my life and so many obstacles lifted away surprisingly (but I believe you already know that these "life obstacles" are really those BAD, UGLY demons in disguise, don't you? See, I KNEW you did!)
In 2007, God placed it in my heart that I would not only be writing (as I always did), but writing about more extensive experiences that I had not encountered. You know, the types of things that are SO different that they are a "life changing" different. Yes, God is good and mysterious, indeed, and saw His power working in my life tremendously in 2007 especially since I accomplished 3 major life goals:
1) I met the beautiful young lady I consider my best and closest friend in the wide world.
2) I was in AWOE Magazine's "Spirit and Soul Spotlight Artist: September 2007" at age 18 (an achievement, might I add, that many would love to have in this life but instead go off yonder to be with the Lord before anything like that actually happens).
3) The Lord helped me finish the Heaven-kissed beauty "Father of My Soul", the song that moves, motivates, heals, touches, cleanes, and surely does inspire and will continue to do so. (No matter, how I tried in the past years, I could not complete it... almost as if I had extreme writer's block, but I see that everything is about timing with God. After all, why stress when "God's got your back", right?)
Now, if these are not "life changing accomplishments", tell me... WHAT IS?! It is true that everyone generally wants fame and recognition (especially from their own works), but in Heaven's rankings, it is FAR MORE VALUABLE to suffer life long burdens of deep-rooted pains and to actually COME OUT OF IT (HALLELUJAH!) than to seek any kind of anything for ourselves! Don't you know that when you work for God, you can never lose, honey? YOU GOT IT! I know you realized that one just as well!
You may be wondering, "What kind of life long pains has this young girl suffered?". I mean, it seems like I am a pretty joyful and well-rounded person, right? Truth is: NO ONE is as perfect as they seem, and EVERYONE is entitled to as many faults as snares as they chose to make! Oh, says who? Says the Bible when God gave us FREE-WILL, so it is in there! Yes, it is! What we choose to do with the given free-will is another story and completely up to us (whether we fail or succeed), but this young girly right here chooses to use her EVERYTHING for the Lord! Simply, if you thought I was "perfect", I urge you to STOP thinking that! Is it not a scientific fact that what goes up must come down? Now, how perfect is it that "object x", in actuality, falls down and shatters into bits and pieces all over the floor? (Not very perfect at all... ) Since we are a part of God's scientific world, why should we be perfect when scientific findings are not? The essence of beauty is in the flaws because we can actually learn from them. Praise God that He has shown the world, through me (His child and follower), that: .
You are NOT loved because you are "perfect", but you are perfect because you are loved! (And no, not by people, but by GOD! People can stop you from reaching all sorts of WONDERFUL progression in this lifetime and untimately from reaching Heaven, unfortunately, while God Himself will open the gate for you and say, "Welcome home, My child!", and that's just the fact of the matter here, but enough about that, hahaha! I know we are all grasping these things together now.
If you want to know about some of the many trials I have encountered in my lifetime, you can check them out here: Read the WHOLE interview. You will learn a lot that you did not know about me. Of course, you have to be open-minded to receive it because, yes, I am a young person but many believe that my wisdom is beyond my years (also as the magazine interview, Jen G. says). If God can use a donkey, why couldn't He use a young person? (I mean, much more... That was incredible to use an animal, but come on... Young people are PEOPLE WITH VOICES all the same, and sometimes it takes a young testimony, to move the world in positive ways. Think about it, as I do. Apparently, it's true.)
Know that though things may look and sound nice in my life, I am just a product of the King blessing me to stay alive. I could have been killed many atimes with the amount of attacks I encountered.
To close, I am working on my debut music album which will be released in 2009. I wrote EVERY ONE of the songs myself, and it will give you a sure opportunity to get a good feel of who I am even more. If you would like to find out more, I am encouraging you to check out my CD when it is out. I believe it will bless many (it blesses me and changes my life every time I hear it). It will be available for YOU very soon, too, so please stay tuned to Http://
Thank you for reading! I pray that this message blessed you as much as it blessed me to experience these topics! I thank you for stopping by! Take care, and talk to you again soon!
Currently listening :
Blessed: The Best of Rachael Lampa
By Rachael Lampa
Release date: 2006-05-09
10:55 PM
I used to hear Rachael Lampa sing about "letting it go", all the time, in her song called "Outrageous" and thought, at first, "Hmm... sounds nice, but it would be even better if more people felt like they could 'let it all go' just as she sings about." Since I respect Rachael Lampa as one of my favorite recording artists, I wanted to 'let it go', too (of course, hahaha)! I later thought "This song has some real, definitive meaning... It has one of those messages that really 'tug at your heart' and won't let you go (even if you try to let it go), and MY GOSH, it is so doggone catchy, too!" Guess what happened... I found myself applying the "let it go" philosophy to my life and so many obstacles lifted away surprisingly (but I believe you already know that these "life obstacles" are really those BAD, UGLY demons in disguise, don't you? See, I KNEW you did!)
In 2007, God placed it in my heart that I would not only be writing (as I always did), but writing about more extensive experiences that I had not encountered. You know, the types of things that are SO different that they are a "life changing" different. Yes, God is good and mysterious, indeed, and saw His power working in my life tremendously in 2007 especially since I accomplished 3 major life goals:
1) I met the beautiful young lady I consider my best and closest friend in the wide world.
2) I was in AWOE Magazine's "Spirit and Soul Spotlight Artist: September 2007" at age 18 (an achievement, might I add, that many would love to have in this life but instead go off yonder to be with the Lord before anything like that actually happens).
3) The Lord helped me finish the Heaven-kissed beauty "Father of My Soul", the song that moves, motivates, heals, touches, cleanes, and surely does inspire and will continue to do so. (No matter, how I tried in the past years, I could not complete it... almost as if I had extreme writer's block, but I see that everything is about timing with God. After all, why stress when "God's got your back", right?)
Now, if these are not "life changing accomplishments", tell me... WHAT IS?! It is true that everyone generally wants fame and recognition (especially from their own works), but in Heaven's rankings, it is FAR MORE VALUABLE to suffer life long burdens of deep-rooted pains and to actually COME OUT OF IT (HALLELUJAH!) than to seek any kind of anything for ourselves! Don't you know that when you work for God, you can never lose, honey? YOU GOT IT! I know you realized that one just as well!
You may be wondering, "What kind of life long pains has this young girl suffered?". I mean, it seems like I am a pretty joyful and well-rounded person, right? Truth is: NO ONE is as perfect as they seem, and EVERYONE is entitled to as many faults as snares as they chose to make! Oh, says who? Says the Bible when God gave us FREE-WILL, so it is in there! Yes, it is! What we choose to do with the given free-will is another story and completely up to us (whether we fail or succeed), but this young girly right here chooses to use her EVERYTHING for the Lord! Simply, if you thought I was "perfect", I urge you to STOP thinking that! Is it not a scientific fact that what goes up must come down? Now, how perfect is it that "object x", in actuality, falls down and shatters into bits and pieces all over the floor? (Not very perfect at all... ) Since we are a part of God's scientific world, why should we be perfect when scientific findings are not? The essence of beauty is in the flaws because we can actually learn from them. Praise God that He has shown the world, through me (His child and follower), that: .
You are NOT loved because you are "perfect", but you are perfect because you are loved! (And no, not by people, but by GOD! People can stop you from reaching all sorts of WONDERFUL progression in this lifetime and untimately from reaching Heaven, unfortunately, while God Himself will open the gate for you and say, "Welcome home, My child!", and that's just the fact of the matter here, but enough about that, hahaha! I know we are all grasping these things together now.
If you want to know about some of the many trials I have encountered in my lifetime, you can check them out here: Read the WHOLE interview. You will learn a lot that you did not know about me. Of course, you have to be open-minded to receive it because, yes, I am a young person but many believe that my wisdom is beyond my years (also as the magazine interview, Jen G. says). If God can use a donkey, why couldn't He use a young person? (I mean, much more... That was incredible to use an animal, but come on... Young people are PEOPLE WITH VOICES all the same, and sometimes it takes a young testimony, to move the world in positive ways. Think about it, as I do. Apparently, it's true.)
Know that though things may look and sound nice in my life, I am just a product of the King blessing me to stay alive. I could have been killed many atimes with the amount of attacks I encountered.
To close, I am working on my debut music album which will be released in 2009. I wrote EVERY ONE of the songs myself, and it will give you a sure opportunity to get a good feel of who I am even more. If you would like to find out more, I am encouraging you to check out my CD when it is out. I believe it will bless many (it blesses me and changes my life every time I hear it). It will be available for YOU very soon, too, so please stay tuned to Http://
Thank you for reading! I pray that this message blessed you as much as it blessed me to experience these topics! I thank you for stopping by! Take care, and talk to you again soon!
Currently listening :
Blessed: The Best of Rachael Lampa
By Rachael Lampa
Release date: 2006-05-09
10:55 PM
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