Thursday, March 6, 2008

What's on my Mind!

Hey, all! YES! It has been a while since I last blogged with you here on my official online blog, but here I am! I'M BACK AGAIN! (HAHAHA!) :-) How are you all doing? Enjoying your time? Oh, I really hope so! I just LOVE talking with you in SO MANY WAYS and hearing all of your interesting stories about life, and as always, I LOVE sharing my life situations with you, too! I'm just glad to be friends with you!

I am SO EXCITED to say that I was just featured in ANOTHER magazine publication! This magazine is an online webzine designed to help eliminate the labels that are placed on models in the industry! The magazine is Sassy Sistah Magazine! The creator and founder of Sassy Sistah is none other than my lovely model/entrepreneur friend, Cathryn Michael! The article is called "Arielle Jones-- Singer with Big Dreams"! To read the article, click here: I am just proud to know that the magazine would consider MY STORY and MY TALENT to write about! I am truly thankful for this WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY!

Not too long ago, I was also chosen to be AWOE Magazine's Spirit and Soul Spotlight Artist of the Month during September 2007! It was VERY COOL, and as always, it will remain a HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENT for me! I am still so AMAZED about how God's hands are on me with this "music thing"! THANK GOD! No longer is it just a "music thing", it is actually a "music MINISTRY" and that means EVERYTHING to me that God would take my life and use it for His glory! Truthfully, I have always asked Him to use my life, and He has listened to my prayers all the way from Heaven! Now, tell me... HOW AMAZING IS THAT?? :-D You know what? The same way He can answer my prayers, He can answer YOUR prayers, and that's just what I love about God- He is no respecter of persons! You can be great, small, young, old, tall, skinny, thin, fat, and maybe even speak a different language or tongue, but the absolute truth is that GOD TRULY LOVES YOU FOR WHO YOU ARE! That is SO AMAZING! PRAISE GOD!

I just received my official copy of my featured AWOE Magazine interview by mail, and I must say, "WOW!". It is SO DIFFERENT to actually hold the product in your hands, see the different features of it, and just read the physical, paperback copy! Oh my gosh! I was SO IMPRESSED! The article came out SO WONDERFULLY! :-) I already read the online version at (The September Issue), but to actually hold the magazine in my hands was just SO MAGICAL! I was jumping for joy! It was truly an EXCELLENT experience! ;-) If you would like to read the AWOE Magazine interview, click here: Http://

Lately, I have been receiving A LOT of phone calls and e-mails from different companies who are REALLY very interested in my music! Some companies want me to come out and perform in their talent showcases, while others seem to be interested in getting work for me as a singer and managing my music ministry! All I have to say to that is, "OH MY GOSH!". I have been praying for this for the absolute LONGEST time, but you know what? Even in my "waiting period" I have found that God has still kept me safely in His arms. (Again, THANK GOD!) He has provided SO MANY BLESSINGS for me already that I have to thank Him for them EVERY SINGLE DAY! I am SO AMAZED with God! So very, TRULY happy! You know, God is SO GREAT, and all I know is that in Him TRUE HAPPINESS IS FOUND. Even if you can't find it anywhere else, you can find it in God! AMAZING! I was just thinking, "Do you know HOW MANY Christian music singers/artist were offered record deals with secular music labels and turned them down because that was not the direction that God was leading them?" It's SO VERY TRUE! Many Christian singers HAVE turned down offers from secular labels because God is leading them to worship for HIS glory, not man's own "glory" (if many really has all that much glory at all... nowhere near as much real glory as God, if you know what I mean). But hey, that does show that what God wants WILL truly come to pass, and no one (no person, no demon, no devil in hell) can stop it! AMEN! :-) When we have hope like that, WHAT ELSE DO WE REALLY NEED?

On my SoundClick and MySpace pages, I have been announcing for a while that I might have a possible upcoming fan interview with my good friend Ashley of Ashley's Promotions. Well, it is DEFINITELY going to happen! :-) I am VERY EXCITED! We are going to do this interview a little bit differently than the traditional written interview, so please stay tuned for more!

A friend of mine, Suzane, that I met on (and also befriended on is an artist, and she made me the MOST BEAUTIFUL artwork I have ever seen especially for me! I am SO VERY THANKFUL! I can't even begind to say how grateful I am for such WONDERFUL friends and supporters! Thanks again, Suzane, for such BEAUTIFUL work! I also congratulated her on my official MySpace music page for doing such a lovely thing for me! GOD BLESS YOU, SUZANE! LOVE YOU! ;-) SO AMAZED by the beautiful new friendships, and SO EXCITED for so many more!

Anyway, I will talk to you again soon! To stay in touch with me, you can e-mail me at: If you, like Suzane, would like to send me something, you are ALWAYS welcome! I just personally love hearing from you (especially just having the friendly communication with you)! Also, don't forget to check out my websites:

1) Http://

2) Http://

3) Http://

4) Http://

5) Http://

OK! Thanks for reading! Talk to you again later! Bye for now, and God bless, love, and keep you! Take care! ;-)

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