Friday, July 6, 2007

*4th of July Update*

Hey all! Hope you've been doing well! I just wanted to tell you that I LOVED this 4th of July holiday! It was SO FUN! Let me tell you about it from the VERY beginning:

1) I woke up REALLY EARLY in the morning, which is probably due to the excitement of the holiday finally being here.

2) I checked in with my MySpace friends.

3) HAD A BBQ (YEEEEEEEEEAH!) with hotdogs, corn on the cob, bbq foods, etc. It was GREEEEEEEEAT!

4) Checked out Melinda, Jordin, and Blake's 4th of July performance on TV.

5) Hung out out home with the family and watched AMAZING fireworks from the backyard! They were SO GOOOOOOOD! (People were SO EXCITED for the holiday this year that they started fireworks from late June and still continued crackling firecrackers even after the day was over.)

It's been a FABULOUS holiday! Cool, fun, and low-key with my family enjoying my summer vacation. Hope your summer vacation has been GREAT, too! I've been reading all of your 4th of July stories on my MySpace music page! Thanks SO MUCH for sharing! God bless and take care!

If you'd like to write me an e-mail, mail me at: Thanks! Waiting to hear from you! ;)

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